Flowering vines in our vineyard
Flowering is a very beautiful moment in the vineyard, when dozens of flowers one by one open on the bunches. The central part blooms first, then the base and after that the ends and the lateral parts. Each one of these inflorescences after pollination will become a cluster of grapes.
Flowering in our vineyard, generally begins at the end of May and can last between 10-15 days, depending on weather conditions.
In all this time the vineyard is surrounded by an amazing perfume of flowers, highly appreciated by bees who are busy with the pollination.
We are also busy in this period, when the vineyard is in bloom, with the shoot topping.
Here they are, the grape clusters blossomed in all their beauty
Just after flowering, the grape berries begin to form on the clusters and the vine enters the fruit-set stage.
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